Latest Episodes
Ep.9- Using our Minds to the Fullest(Chapter 4 Mishna 25)
What is difference between what we learn when we are young vs when we are old ? Why is it easier to retain information...
Ep.8-Do Not Rejoice at Your Enemies Downfall(Chapter 4 Mishna 24)
What should our outlook be when we see our adversaries stumble? Should we be happy? Or is their a more loftier attitude that should...
Ep.7-When Non Action is the RIGHT Action(Chapter 4 Mishna 23)
Is it always proper to take action to fix a situation? When is it correct to hold back and let time pass before acting?...
Ep. 6- A World of Opportunity(Chapter 4 Mishna 22)
Have you ever pushed of doing a Mitzvah(good deed) with the intention to do it later? Did delaying the Mitzvah end up in it...
The Purpose of this World (Chapter 4 Mishna 21)
What is the purpose of our lives in this world? How should we utilize our time while we are here? In this episode Rabbi...
The Tail of a Lion VS The Head of a Fox (Chapter4 Mishna 20)
Is it better to be the leader of people who are of lesser caliber or a follower of the group who is more upstanding?...