Latest Episodes
Ep.21- How to Become a Wise Person(Chapter 5 Mishna 9)
What do need to do become a wise person? Do you need to learn a lot? Do you need to be Rabbi? How about...
Ep.20- End of the World Syndrome(Chapter 5 Mishna 8)
Are you ever made to feel that humanity as we know it is ceasing to exist? Do you believe that humanity is facing new...
Ep.19-The Ten Miracles of the Holy Temple and their Lessons(Chapter 5 Mishna 7)
What were the ten miracles that occurred in the Bais Hamikdosh(Holy Temple) in Jerusalem? What lessons can we learn from them? What significance does...
Ep.18-Whats the Point of Miracles?(Chapter 5 Mishna 5)
Why does G-D perform miracles? What relevance do the miracles listed in the Torah have to my life? In this episode Rabbi Kohn discusses...
Ep.17-What's the Point of Tests? (Chapter 5 Mishna 4)
Do you ever think that G-D is testing you? Do you wonder why we need to face challenges in life? In this episode Rabbi...
Ep. 16-Controling our Destiny(Chapter 5 Mishna 3)
We all know that G-D runs the world, but can we control our own destiny? Do we have the ability to determine how the...