Mazel Tov! In this week's episode Rabbi Kohn completes Tractate Avos(Pirkei Avos). In mishna 10 we discuss the 5 five possesions of G-D and it's significance. In mishna 11 we conclude with a beatiful lesson on how our abilities and talents are only praiseworthy when we use them in the service of Hashem. Subscribe to The Pirkei Avos Podcast. Living with Torah ethics. For questions or comments please email [email protected].
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What is the evil eye? How does it work? Do I have be concerned for "kinna haaras"? In this epid=seode Rabbi Kohn discusses the...
In this week's episode Rabbi KOhn discusses the outlook we need to have when do what we are supposed to do. How we can...
The power of Tzedakah is brought down inmany places throughout the Torah. It is not just about how much you give but how you...